Your book awaits recognition from the world with Penguin Books Publishing

At Penguin Publisher, we help authors bring their stories to life and introduce them to the world.

We offer expert services in writing, editing, and publishing.

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First-Time Authors Turned Bestsellers

At Penguin Publisher, we’ve helped first-time authors become bestselling authors. Your book could be the next success story.


How We Support Authors

Professional Writing Assistance

Our expert writers help you shape your story with compelling narratives and polished prose.

Book Coaching and Editing

We guide you through every stage, providing coaching and thorough edits to perfect your manuscript.

Streamlining the Publishing Process

We navigate the complexities of publishing to make your book accessible to readers worldwide.

Our Comprehensive Writing Services Include

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Why Choose Penguin Publisher?

Bestselling Writers and Editors

Our team includes New York Times-bestselling authors and experienced editors who’ve worked with the biggest names in publishing.

Time-Saving Solutions

We offer flexible services so you can be as involved as you want, while we handle the rest. Every project is customized to your goals.

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